At the base of the California Incline, no more than thirty feet directly west, exist the ruins of a roadside shrine. Without this structure of eroding concrete walls, Richard Diebenkorn’s revolutionary “Ocean Park Series” might not have been birthed. His work is labeled many things, but I find these pivotal paintings to be portals of harnessed gas and atmospheres through which we may enter other dimensions.
“Refraction” by Mark Venaglia - 5’ x 2’ casein on canvas
Part of The Brand Art Library Exhibition
Artist’s Note: The chaos of nature as organized by the Sacred Geometry of Victorian cut glass.
Representational and Abstract simultaneously define each other; detail of the PCH shrine
“Geo Wing” by Mark Venaglia - 4’ x 5’ casein on canvas
(Detail of wing above right)
“La Nonna” by Mark Venaglia - 7’ x 5’
casein on muslin
Artist’s Note:
At far left, mandalas from many previous centuries as they appear in various cultures.
“A viewer doesn’t only observe and behold Mark’s flowers, one actually encounters them...”
-Maria Pavloich-McCarthy
The four small paintings above and at right, all works in progress by Mark Venaglia, indicate further exploration into Sacred Geometry while providing a visual history of art and architecture.
“Diebenkorn Sighting One- PCH”
by Mark Venaglia - 14” x 18” casein on canvas
Currently part of the silent auction benefiting The Venice Family Clinic, by invitation of the Exhibition Committee.
Above - 3 paintings from the “Ocean Park” series by Richard Diebenkorn